09 January, 2006

The charity show

Happen and manage to get tickets to the charity show... first time to get into the studio and watched a live show... felt very curious on how the live show works.
So, it really let me 大开眼界 on the live show. i was sitting at the gallery part where the fans were sitting, and they are very very noisy..!!! their screams are so high pitch... almost 震破我的耳朵。。。especially when SHE comes out everytime... cannot their screams + whistle... n then those fans very funny de lor.... they scream whichever stars come out sia... like scream when alan, jeff wong, shen wei jun, kelly, junyang, wei lian, david tao n etc... so siao!!! most funny n lame incident is they even scream at the commerials like the SHE commercials, superstars commercialsn etc during the commerial breaks, so bo liao... ahahah!!!!
yesterday's charity show was very touching, my tears was almost rolling down when the shi fu cried. i had tears not because he's crying but because of his words, his hopes, wishes and determination in helping the victims, there i was thinking why am i sitting there and watch nia, when i can saw the stars and the audiences in front of me clenching their hands together to pray for teh shifu, they also wipe off their tears as they watch n pray at the same time n also taking out their phone to call the donation line so those things that i saw and felt had touched me by donating 5 dollars (the most amount that i hav donated at one ago) in cash on the spot... even my little cousins fork out their little saving from their purse to donate the money on the spot... (singaporeans do hav a charity and caring heart afterall, even though there hav been news about the charity organisations... because i'm one of them... hahaa... though i also lose confidence in these organisations after the NKF issues and other issues).

06 January, 2006

1st month of the year, 1st month of a school

Woooooooo!!!! Jus 1st month of the year, i'm already getting tire and going broke liao... 1st month there's school, new year coming and my fren's wedding coming also... need alot of money for clothes, shoes to the new year n wedding. I do not know why i'm feeling so tire n sleepy on the 1st month of the year... jus tire, don wish to do anything but then no matter what still hav to cont with the things that i hav got to do anywhere.

though feeling tire and sleepy, time still passes very fast... today is friday already le... in another 2 hrs or so , lessons will end n will be making my home le... haha... sat will be going with my frens to look at the wedding photos, sunday will be going to the charity show, tues will be meeing my frens to look at fren's wedding place then maybe next sat will be proceeding to get the dresses for my frens wedding, then 21st would be her wedding liao followed by another week will be chinese new year le... though the above are my plans for the whole jan but there are still alot of things to do the month and it has not been planned like getting the new year's decoration, clothes and many things that are needed for the new year and also my pp hope would be able to submit by the end of the month so as to release my stress and pressure that i hav for the pp. woooooooooo.... see lah... the whole month is so full of plans n activities liao... though its going to be very tire but i believe that it is going to very fun and fulfilling...